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Chen Xiaoming

Release date:2019-05-13  Source:   Click volume:

CHEN Xiao-ming was born at Guangze County Fujian Province in February 1952. He received his doctorate of literature in 1990 and worked in China Social Science Academy for decades. In 1998 he was promoted as CSSA fellow and left for Department of Chinese Language and literature of Peking University at the year of 2003.At Peking, he assumed the professor position and doctor supervisor and then be hired as Distinguished Professor of the Yangtze River held by the Ministry of Education in 2011. He focused on the Contemporary Chinese Literature and Postmodern Literature Theory and criticism and published more than 30 books, includingA Boundless Challenge(1993),Immortal Pure Literature(2007),Derrida's Bottom Line: the Essentials of Deconstruction and the Coming of New Humanities(2009),The Main Trend of Contemporary Chinese Literature(2009),The Gate of Wisdom: Reconstructing The Criticism Method of Close Reading of Text,and more than 400 papers and reviews. He has been awarded a lot, including the First Annual Critic Award of "Chinese Media Literature Award"(2003), The Fourth Luxun Literature Award for Theoretical Comments(2006), and Awards for Excellent Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences held by Beijing Municipals and Ministry of Education recent years. Otherwise, He assumes Vice President of the Society of Chinese Literary Theories, the Society of Chinese Literary Criticism Research and the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association.

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