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Wang Ning

Release date:2019-05-13  Source:   Click volume:

WANG Ning is Member of the Academic Committee of Tsinghua University and Distinguished Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literature. Also, he is Director of Center for Comparative Literature and Culture Studies in Tsinghua and the Dean of Academy of Humanities and Arts in Shanghai Jiaotong University as the Zhiyuan chair professor. He was elected as the Academician of Latin American Academy of Sciences in 2010 and enrolled in the "Yangtze River Scholar" of the Ministry of Education in 2012 and then elected as Academician of the European Academy of Sciences in 2013. Prof. WANG assumes as the expert in the evaluation of the Chinese Literature Application Group of the National Social Science Foundation and in the evaluation of Literature and Art Application Group of the Yangtze River Award Scheme. Otherwise, he is the vice president of the Society of Chinese Comparative Literature and also for the Academy of Chinese and Foreign Literary and Art Theories and the Society of Chinese Literary and Art Theories. He has published two monographs in English and nearly 400 papers including more than 120 papers in English and more than 80 papers could be retrieved in SSCI and A&HCI index.

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