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Li Fengliang

Release date:2019-05-13  Source:   Click volume:

Borned in December 1971 in Funing, Jiangsu Province, Professor Li Fengliang is a doctoral advisor.He served as a vice president of Shenzhen University and the editor-in-chief of theJournal of Shenzhen University. He is currently a deputy secretary of the CPC committeeof the Southern University of Science and Technology, where he is also a professor at the Humanities Center. He is also the dean of the Institute of Cultural Industry at Shenzhen University, where he leads the National Center of Culture Innovation and the subject of art theory.

Li Fengliang is a recipient of the State Council’s “special government allowance”. He has been selected to the National Special Support Plan for High-level Talents. A cultural expert appraised by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, he wasselected for New Century Talents Project. He was also honored as a young and middle-aged scholar with outstanding natianal contrubution. He is a chief expert of major program of the National Social Science Fund and has been selected into the Ministry of Education’s “New Century Outstanding Talent Support Pragram”. He is a member of the Committee for Teaching Art Theory in the Ministry of Education. He is a winner of “University Young Teacher Fund” and “University Young Teacher Award” – both set up by the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, and a winner of Pengcheng Outstanding Talent Award.

He is a vice president of the Society of World Chinese Literature, a vice chairman of University Research Alliance of Cross-Strait Cultural Creation Industry, an executive vice president of Cultural Creation Industry Research Society of the Society for Chinese and Foreign Literary Theory, a vice president of Cultural Industry Management Committee of Chinese Academy of Arts Theory, a member of expert committee of Cultural Industry (CHINA) Collaborating Body, an executive director of China Comparative Literature Society, etc.

His main research fields are literary theory, cultural and creative industry, and urban culture research. He has made considerable achievements in integratingtechnology and the study of new cultural patterns. He has presided over 4 National Social Science Fund Projects (including 2 major projects), and 9 projects at provincial and ministerial levels. He has published 25 books (as single author and co-author), and more than 100 articles. He has won the provincial and ministerial awards many times, and taken charge of a number of projectsthat involves that planning of cultural industry quarters or parks.

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