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Du Guiping

Release date:2019-05-13  Source:   Click volume:

Du Guiping is a professor and a doctoral adviser at Beijing Normal University, specializing in history of traditional Chinese opera andQing-dynasty literature. She is a recipient of the Yangtze River Scholar Award (2012) and the State Council’s special allowance. She is a member of the seventh Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and a reviewer for the National Social Sciences Fund. The posts she takes up include: deputy director of the Chinese Popular Literature Society, deputy director of the Traditional Chinese Opera Society, and deputy director of the ChineseSanquResearch Institute. She is the chief expert of one major project and two general projects supported by the National Social Sciences Fund, and has completed more than ten projects at the provincial level. Her monographs includeResearch on Early Qing Drama,A Study on the Creation of Qing Playwrights, andA Study on Literature during the Yuan, Ming and Qing. An editor of the journalLiterature and Philology of the Ming and Qing, she published more than 70 articles in journals likeWenxue pinglun(Literary Review),Wenyi yanjiu(Literature and Art Studies), andWenxue yichan(Literary Heritage).

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