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Li Jian

Release date:2019-05-13  Source:   Click volume:

Dr Li Jian was born in Suzhou, Anhui province, in 1964. He is a professor, a doctoral supervisor and a leadingscholar at Shenzhen University. He serves as the deputy director of the Institute of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Fuyang Normal University in 1986 with a Bachelor’s degree of Arts, and then worked there as a lecturer. From September 1987 to July 1988, he studied in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Fudan University, completing a Master’s course in the history of Chinese literary criticism. At Fudan, he was taught by Prof. Gu Yisheng and Prof. Jiang Fan – both were renown scholars in the field. Having been promoted to associate professor in 1998, he continued his doctoral study in literary criticism and aesthetics at Jinan University in 1999. His doctoral adviser was Prof. Hu Jingzhi, a celebrated aesthetician and literary scholar. He obtained his doctoral degree in June 2002 before conducting his postdoctoral research at Beijing Normal University in September of the same year; his mentor there was Prof. Wang Yichuan. He promoted to professor in 2003. He is a member of the Association of Chinese Literary and Art Critics. He is on the board of directors of both the China Association of Sino-Foreign Literary & Arts Theories and the China Association of Literary & Arts Theories. He has acted as the vice-president of the Association of Foreign Literary Theory and Comparative Poetics. He has long-lasting interest in Chinese classical literature and literary criticism, having published more than 90 papers and 6 monographs. He has won the first and third prizes for outstanding achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences in Shenzhen. He has participated in a number of projects at both national and provincial level, and is currently the chief expert of a major project supported by the National Social Sciences Fund.

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